Commercial & Industrial applications

Tailored for commercial and industrial applications

  • Potable water, Turbidity ranging from 0 to 10 NTU, with monitoring and control of pH, TDS, and Chlorine (ppm).
  • Process water, PH monitoring and control including chlorine levels, up to 200 ppm.
  • Cooling Tower control systems.
  • Corrosion rate monitoring 24/7 with remote access capability.
  • Boilers, Single and Dual Blowdown Control systems.
  • Liquid level monitoring to control chemical tanks sites 24/7 with remote access capability.
  • Dual ppm control system with UV, chloramine control for commercial pool and spas.
  • pH correction, pH correction system, offering the choice of 1, 2, or 3 tanks simultaneously.
    pH neutralization system for municipal discharge, ensuring treated water meets government standards and compliance.
  • Wastewater, Dual pH verification system for municipal discharge, ensuring treated water meets government standards and compliance.
  • Wastewater, Turbidity ranging from 0 to 10,000 NTU, with monitoring and control of pH, TDS, and Chlorine (ppm).

Our programmable controllers are fully customizable and can easily accommodate additional components tailored to your specific application needs.

Here are 10 compelling reasons to choose our product range